September 25, 2008


Radio can be hard work sometimes, Andrew actually fell asleep as you can see! Another morning and another decent day up here on the island. We have already been busy on 20m and 40m, conditions seem quite good. The SOTA guys have now gone out so listen for them later today. The 80m vertical is working well and seems very good for DX as we were hearing VK this morning, however the dipole is probably better for Europe as you would expect.
Paul and Steve did very well out portable yesterday using a vertical moxon. They logged over 400 contacts, including over 40 Japanese stations and several Australians.
At the moment we are struggling to get photographs of the antenna farm onto the website as we had a technical hitch yesterday with the laptop, we were unable to fix the log search on the main website as well, this may be sorted for weekend! In the meantime we will just get down to some serious radio and work as many of you as we can, nearly 3000 contacts logged at this time!

1 comment:

EA2CCG Joaquín Montoya said...


Can you give us more information on your vertical moxon ?

For which band it was?

Have you got any picture.

Good operation!!